The Zone - A river in the north
Francisco Ortega + per(r)ucho
Fluorescent Pink
print in risograph
140 x 200 mm
cover: Riso
binding: singer
fully created in per(r)ucho
Este libro es una historia sobre un río, un río en el norte.
Los habitantes que actualmente viven junto al río hace mucho que dejaron de
mirarlo, de utilizarlo, hoy es apenas un reguero de agua que sigue un curso
ignorado, cubierto por malezas, atascado por árboles caídos.
Ese río, hace no demasiado tiempo, era el centro de un territorio. Había dos
molinos, puede que tres, pero yo aún recuerdo ir con mi padre y mi abuelo a
merendar al último de ellos, su hermano, Isidoro, era el molinero. Cuando
yo era niño el molino aún funcionaba, hoy es casi imposible llegar hasta él,
casi, pero no imposible.
En los 70 cuando el pueblo estaba en ruinas, una corporación compró la mitad
del término municipal para instalar una fábrica de explosivos. La empresa, obviamente,
valló La Zona, no se podía entrar. Estructuraron dos áreas de exclusión,
una, que empezaba prácticamente en el mismo pueblo y que apenas estaba
vigilada, y otra, mucho más seria, rodeaba con guardias armados el núcleo
central de las instalaciones de La Fábrica.
Mi padre, no obstante, se aventura aún hoy al interior de La Zona en busca de,
imagino, sus recuerdos, del espacio que evoca el pasado. Así, con un caballete
y unos óleos, hizo de Stalker, penetró en la zona y pintó estos cuadros fantásticos.
followed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, there is one aspect that This
book is a story about a river, a river in the north.
The inhabitants who currently live next to the river have long since stopped
looking at it, using it, today it is just a trickle of water that follows an
unknown course, covered by weeds, clogged by fallen trees.
That river, not too long ago, was the center of a territory. There were two
mills, maybe three, but I still remember going with my father and my grandfather
to have a snack at the last of them. His brother, Isidoro, was the miller.
When I was a child the mill was still working, today it is almost impossible
to reach it, almost, but not impossible.
In the 1970s, when the town was in ruins, a corporation bought half of the municipal
area to install an explosives factory. The company, obviously, fenced
off the Zone, you couldn’t enter. They structured two exclusion areas, one
that began practically in the town itself and was barely guarded, and another,
much more serious, surrounded the central core of La Fábrica facilities with
armed guards.
My father, however, still ventures into The Zone today in search of, I imagine,
his memories, of the space that evokes the past. So, with an easel and
some oils, he played the Stalker, he entered the area and painted these fantastic